Our organization's projects are initiatives launched with the support of other local groups to address problems related to the key themes in our mission statement and include programs in agriculture, school education, and community. Projects are designed to be long-term, sustainable solutions that address the root causes of a given issue and are not irreplaceable stopgap measures. Projects are an integral part of DIN Malawi's success in fostering long-lasting positive change within communities.

While these projects are no longer active, they were very well executed and served their purposes effectively. Past projects like these can provide us with inspiration for new project ideas. Previous projects include the Meet 50:50 Campaign and the Youth Economic and Empowerment Project.
DIN Malawi's currently active projects include Tiasamale, which supports people living with AIDS or HIV; the anti-child marriage Girls Voice Amplifier campaign; the Happy Hearts Preschool and its affiliated childcare programs; and self-sufficiency programs run through Women Voices.
In the near future, DIN Malawi will establish its own community radio for the district of Chikwawa, and this radio will provide the people of Chikwawa a platform from which their voices can be heard. Additionally, the radio could be used by our organization to raise awareness of medical and social issues relevant to their everyday lives.