Malawian girls need your support!
As a part of DIN MALAWI's project Girls' Voice Amplifier we've launched a bursary scheme for disadvantaged girls. Keeping education accessible is key to reducing the alarming rates of early child marriages and child pregnancies. Sadly, many Malawian families struggle to afford school fees, forcing parents into desperate desicions. Marrying off their daughters is often seen as an easy solution today -but it has devastating consequences for tomorrow. Early child marriage and -pregnancy expose young girls to severe physical and psychological risks. It robs them of both their childhood and their future.​
We aim to give these vulnarable girls a second chance! A chance to be a child. A chance to complete their education. A chance to shape their own future. They deserve to attend school when that is their biggest wish, not to be forced into adulthood too soon.
Help return a girl's future to her power. Sponsor her bursary for a year!
30 pennies/day sends a girl to school
100% of your donation goes to the girls,
none is used for NGO fees.
In the first year, your contribution covers school fees, a uniform, exercise books and pens. In the second year, she won't need a new uniform.
The girls have max. 4 years left in Secondary School, but you only pay and promise the girl 1 year at a time.
Bursary for one year:
- School uniform and shoes: 20.000 MK (10,5 € / 11,5 $)
- School fee, term 1: 50.000 MK (26,1 € / 28,8 $)
- Writing materials: 7.700 MK (4 € / 4,4 $)
- School fee, term 2: 50.000 MK (26,1 €/ 28,8 $)
- Writing materials: 7.700 MK (4 €/ 4,4 $)
- School fee, term 3: 50.000 MK (26,1 €/ 28,8 $)
- Writing materials: 7.700 MK (4 €/ 4,4 $)
TOTAL: 193.100 MK (101 € / 111,2 $)

They are neither ready to be wives, nor mothers!

of Malawi's girls are married before the age of 18.
Marriage strips them of their independence before they even get the chance to find it. This can cause devastating psychological challenges.
of Malawi's girls become pregnant before the age of 18.
Early pregnancies place these young girls in life-threatening situations, as their bodies are not yet fully developed.
Meet the girls
We are grateful for every single girl we can help return to school. They are carefully selected in colaboration with the school. Each girl has shown strong academic promise and dedication but had to drop out due to their family's economical status.
Unfortunately, these girls are not unique!
A bunch of other girls are still waiting for the chance to go back to school.
Join us and
As a bursary sponsor you'll receive:
- Pictures and a description of your sponsored girl
- Three zoom calls a year with her
- The option to send letters/online messages to her​​​
Form 2 student